Events of Interest
Please note that some of these events are not sponsored by the WNBA but could be of interest based on our membership.
February 24, 2022 at 7:00pm (WNBA Sponsored Event)
To celebrate Black History Month, WNBA-NYC members Fatima Shaik and Rosalind Reisner will discuss Fatima’s book Economy Hall: The Hidden History of a Free Black Brotherhood.
A full-time journalist for more than a decade, Shaik founded the Communication Department at Saint Peter’s University and taught as tenured faculty for 25 years. Her freelance articles appeared in Essence, Nikkei Architecture, L’Expansion, The New York Times, In These Times, and The Root. Shaik is a trustee of PEN America and former board member of The Writers Room in NYC. Economy Hall is her first work of nonfiction and her seventh book.
Rosalind Reisner is a writer, speaker, and former librarian who presents programs and writes about books, reading, and readers’ advisory services. She is a long-time member of WNBA and was a major contributor to our book, Women in the Literary Landscape.
March 3, 2022 at 7:00pm (WNBA Sponsored Event)
Title: The Winding Road: From Proposal to Published
Cost: Free for all WNBA Members of any chapter
$10.00 for non-members of the organization
About: The focus of the panel is books for middle grade and teen readers, and the goal is to clarify what elements/information are most important for writers, literary agents, and editors. What matters to agents, to editors as they review the pitch or query letters, and what happens on the editorial side?
We want to pull back the curtain on what can be a mystery to many debut writers and even established authors, to show writers how they can successfully navigate the twists and turns to reach their destination, while saving time for agents and editors on the receiving end.
March 14, 2022 at 4:00pm (NOT sponsored by WNBA)
The Dorothy O. Helly Works-in-Progress Spring Lecture is sponsoring Author Sally Cook will be speaking about her biography, UNMATCHED: The Spectacular Life and Career of Little Mo Connolly, American Tennis Legend.
More information and registration can be found here.