So many of us think, dream, plan to write a book… someday. What’s stopping you?
Join us on APRIL 20 to hear from two busy people who actually took the leap and
wrote their books! Let us help you get started.
During this conversation, moderated by someone who’s worked with authors for years, you’ll hear why these writers delayed as long as they did. (The reasons may sound very familiar:) The authors will share tips on moving those ideas from your head onto a page.
What we’ll cover:
-I couldn’t start the book, because…
-The trigger to begin the book and tips for you
-How to decide the focus of your book.
-What to expect as you’re writing a book: the practical, logistical, psychological challenges most writers face.
-Tips on dealing with common challenges, including the question “How’s the book coming?”
All are welcome, wherever you are in your writing journey! Writers of any gender and whether it’s fiction or nonfiction you’re writing or plan to write. If you’ve published and have helpful info to succinctly* offer, there will be time in the program for community members to share their tips.
*Please offer your tip/suggestion in two minutes or less.
Cost: $10.00 with code
Please emailpresident@wnba-nyc.org with the WNBA chapter and your name to receive it.
$20.00 standard
Click the Purple Button above to pay for the event
No Refund Policy
Please note this ticket purchase is final; it is not refundable nor transferable. If you cannot attend, your payment will support the programming for the WNBA-NYC Chapter organization, and greatly received. We appreciate your cooperation.
Format: Zoom link will be sent out the morning of the event.

After an award-winning career as a nonfiction author and journalist (including writing or editing for The New York Times, BusinessWeek, and Fortune), Fran Hawthorne a few years ago “took the leap” and returned to her childhood passion: fiction. Her second novel, I Meant to Tell You (published last fall by Stephen F. Austin State University Press), has been short-listed for the Sarton Award in contemporary fiction and won second place in women’s fiction and third place in adult fiction from the Feathered Quill Book Awards.

Maiya Katherine is a #1 Best-Selling Author and Transformational Speaker. Although she ventured into the business world after college, she eventually decided to follow her Life Purpose of helping others heal emotional trauma and adopt a success-oriented mindset. Since publishing her first book in September 2021, she has spoken at various Universities, Mindset Programs, Mental Health Podcasts, and Teen Workshops, among others. She continues to develop programs and courses to help others heal and thrive.

Bridget Marmion has been VP of Marketing at FSG, Random House and Houghton Mifflin. She was at each house over a decade and during her career worked in editorial, publicity, sales, advertising, and marketing, for both adult and children’s books. She launched her own marketing firm, YOUR EXPERT NATION INC in 2012. It relaunched recently as www.bridgetmarmionbookmarketing.com.