I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I’ve really been taking advantage of this October to indulge in spooky movies, warm cider, and oversized sweaters. With COVID-19 cases on the rise again, I don’t have my typical Halloween activities to look forward to. I’m going to miss the overcrowded clubs, the bartenders that ignore me for 10 minutes to attend to taller patrons, and the cold weather assaulting my senses as I try to — just kidding, I won’t. But, I did need something to replace my regular Holiday festivities, so I’m sure glad I have these online October events from the WNBA-NYC to look forward to.
Thursday, October 22nd

How Books Find Readers
Join the Women’s National Book Association New York City Chapter for an online panel with diverse voices from across the book and publishing industry for a multifaceted look at how books get into the hands of their readers. Panelists from A Mighty Blaze, Brooklyn Public Library, Harpers Collins, and others will discuss the many avenues authors, publishers, librarians, and booksellers can take to find the right audience for every book.
This panel is free for WMBA members. There is a suggested donation of $10 for all non-members. For more on this event or to learn about the WNBA membership, please visit our website.
Thursday, October 29th

The World Under the Female Gaze
Female poets will read from some of their latest work and discuss what inspired them during these trying times. Moderated by Harriet Shenkman the author of several poetry collections, and co-hosted by WNBA-NYC and The Transition Network.