In this edition of Bookmark This! we revisit Valentine’s Day with libraries you’ll love, woke ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and the reemergence of the rom-com as a new type of story.
If you’re not too busy working on your submission for the WNBA Writing Contest (don’t forget, entries are due March 1st), break up the tedium of February with bookish events around the city!
Last week, WNBA president Jane Kinney-Denning posted an article calling for individuals to speak out for the publishing industry to change in light of the #MeToo movement. Here are some of the conversations that are – and aren’t – being had.
“You are in the wrong skin, at the wrong time, in the wrong place.” – This month’s Members Write Now features an excerpt from Diana Altman’s story “In the Wrong Skin,” which will publish in The Notre Dame Review this spring.
“Women really moved the book world forward. And that’s an undertold story.” – and other highlights from the panel Women in the Literary Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities, which celebrated the launch of the WNBA’s book: WOMEN IN THE LITERARY LANDSCAPE.
Join Lady Jane’s Salon for the ninth anniversary celebration on Monday, February 5! Not sure what Lady Jane’s Salon is? It’s romance + books + charity: a romance reading series launched by WNBA members that donates net procedes to charity.
As we lose the heat wave last weekend, hiding inside with a book sounds like a perfect plan! Roxane Gay’s deeply personal Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body describes her personal bodily journey while also exploring the reality of having a large body in a world that doesn’t accommodate it.
If you use Facebook to promote yourself professionally and you’ve been struggling to get followers, it might be time to curate your Facebook posts so you can make the most out of the platform.
The median American reads only four books a year. Lucky for us, it’s the beginning of a new year! Push yourself with a reading challenge in 2018 to read more or to read differently!
Hey writers! You only have a bit more than a month left to get your fiction, poetry, nonfiction, or YA submission in for the 2018 WNBA Writing Contest, which includes a cash prize, publication in The Bookwoman, and publication in an anthology of winners!