This is a call for Member News!

Did you get signed by a literary agent? Did your book publish? Or did you get a new job in publishing? Then share your member news now!
We want to hear about what’s going on in your publishing life.
Send your news toblog@wnba-nyc.orgby Sunday February, 14th at 6pm and your news will be featured in a special edition ofThe Bookwoman— dedicated only to member news.
Guidelines for Member News
- 20 words maximum per item.
- Include book art, if warranted.
- Include links
- If not linking to author’s/publisher’s website, please hyperlink to Indiebound first, then BN, then BAM, then Amazon as a last resort.
- Include all names of people in photos from left to right.
This is the time to brag about your accomplishments and to celebrate WNBA members accomplishments.
Don’t wait, send your news now!