Allison Keene is an Editorial Assistant at Springer Nature Publishing and a lifelong book nerd. She primarily reads the classics, literary fiction, and young adult fiction, but any book with a strong female lead is her cup of tea.
Follow @keeneallison on Twitter.
Pride Month is ending, but you can bring it with you: Jen Wang’s colorful graphic novel The Prince and the Dressmaker has a Prince who prefers to be a Lady.
Make some time to curl up with a new book as February comes to a close: Lisa Halliday’s novel Asymmetry is a gorgeous quick read that will keep you thinking for days.
“Women really moved the book world forward. And that’s an undertold story.” – and other highlights from the panel Women in the Literary Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities, which celebrated the launch of the WNBA’s book: WOMEN IN THE LITERARY LANDSCAPE.
As we lose the heat wave last weekend, hiding inside with a book sounds like a perfect plan! Roxane Gay’s deeply personal Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body describes her personal bodily journey while also exploring the reality of having a large body in a world that doesn’t accommodate it.
The NRGM – Great Group Reads 10th Anniversary kick off to the Centennial came with a bonus: the chance for national members to share their NRGM experiences.
The WNBA has been around for 100 years and the NRGM Great Group Reads has been around for 10! Don’t miss the Friday panel of authors from the first GGR!