If you’re an industry professional (or trying to be),

WNBA-NYC holds members-only networking functions and houses member profiles in a members-only database to help you connect to others. Our panel events—free for members—offer industry insight into the world of digital/e-publishing, marketing, production, bestselling fiction, and independent book sales, and more. Our social communities on Twitter, Facebookand LinkedIn offer networking opportunities, as well as…

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Aenean bibendum elementum pede

Nulla ornare, nulla et egestas hendrerit, ipsum dui vulputate dolor, et ornare orci erat eleifend pede. Fusce eros libero, vestibulum non, elementum eu, suscipit eget, leo. Donec consectetuer tincidunt diam. Sed et mauris in ligula feugiat hendrerit. Cras neque purus, mollis non, adipiscing ac, pretium eget, turpis. Cum sociis natoque…

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