Submit Your Nominations for The WNBA Award


The Women’s National Book Association is asking YOU, our valued members, to nominate a “living American woman who derives a part or all of her income from books and allied arts and who has performed meritorious work in the world of books beyond the duties or responsibilities of her profession or occupation.” You are encouraged to nominate more than one woman.

The WNBA Award is presented to women who has gone above and beyond to provide the world of books with her services. Past recipients have included: Ann Patchett (2012 author and bookstore owner), Masha Hamilton (2010 international journalist, author, and women’s activist), Kathi Kamen Goldmark (2008 author, musician and Rock Bottom Remainders founder), and more.

Keep a few things in mind:

*Consider nominating a woman whose work seems to have escaped notice, but whose impact is great–for example, WNBA Award’s 2010 winner, Masha Hamilton, who founded the Afghan Women’s Writing Project, a beam of light in the encroaching darkness in the lives of women who’ve been swept from modern life to medieval conditions in a matter of decades.

*Nominate a woman likely to attend our award ceremony in June 2015 in New Orleans. (Oprah Winfrey? Hilary Rodham Clinton? Probably not.)

*Your nominee may not be an author–perhaps she’s a publisher, a blogger, a bookseller (like 2012 winner Ann Patchett, founder of Parnassus Books in Nashville), a literacy champion, an illustrator, a poet…

Nominations should be submitted no later than midnight Saturday, November 15, 2014, preferably by email to:, or through the postal service to NC Weil, PO Box 18385, Denver, CO 80218


Information Required for Nomination


To Submit, Copy the following into an email: 

I/We nominate:



Web address____________________________________________________________________

In what way does the nominee derive all or part of her income from books?



What has been her meritorious work in the world of books beyond the duties or responsibilities of her profession?



Support data (may include biographical sketch, member organizations, bibliography, articles written, speeches given, other honors received, etc.). Attach separate sheets if necessary



WNBA member submitting nomination:


Phone______________________ Web address_________________________________


Please circle one: chapter corresponding sustaining member



Submit completed nomination by November 15, 2014 to NC Weil, WNBA Award Chair, or PO Box 18385, Denver CO 80218; for questions, call 301-785-2457

About Blog Editor

The Women’s National Book Association was founded in 1917 by female booksellers who weren’t allowed in the men’s organizations. Nearly 100 years later, the WNBA is still supporting women in the book industry through literary events, networking, literacy projects, workshops, open mic nights, book clubs, and many other entertaining programs throughout the season!

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