Contact Us


Below is a list of important contacts for each department of the WNBA-NYC. If you’re not sure who to contact, send your inquiries to Rachel Slaiman.

President: Rachel Slaiman

Open Role, Please reach out to the president for inquiries.

Treasurer: Sherring Dartiguenave

Membership Chairperson:
Open Role, Please reach out to the president for inquiries.

National President: Elise Marie Collins

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter):

Twitter Logo Png - Free Vectors & PSDs to DownloadLike the WNBA-NYC on FacebookFile:Instagram icon.png - Wikimedia CommonsLinkedin - Free social media icons



  1. I’m trying to rejoin. Maybe I was in before under my pen name, Meredith Marple. Not sure.

  2. Hi Meredith,

    Thank you for your inquiry. Someone will be in touch with you in the coming days. So glad you want to rejoin the organization.



  3. I would be interested in joining the. WNBA. could you please send me your schedule of events including all discussions on line.

    thanks alot.


    arlene estey

  4. I just joined your wonderful organization but I’m having trouble setting my password and logging in. Thanks so much.

  5. I am trying to renew my membership, but I have forgotten my password. When I try and recover it, I get the message that I am not allowed to recover my password. When I try and begin a membership, I get the message that this email is already a member. Help. 🙂 thanks……..lisa

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