Social Media Coordinator: Hope Lawrence
Hope Lawrence always had a passion for the written word. Focusing on investigative reporting, Hope completed her Bachelor of Science in communications at Nyack College, continuing her pursue to write the truth and nothing but the truth. Attending a WNBA networking event reignited a love of fiction, adding to her passion for investigative writing. While pursuing her bachelor’s, Hope wrote for LatinTrends magazine and and interned at the college radio station, writing her own programming. She has spent her quarantine getting any creative ideas down on paper (or screen) and bouncing between four novels.
Board Member: Bridget Marmion
Bridget Marmion has been VP of Marketing at FSG, Random House and Houghton Mifflin. She was at each house over a decade and during her career worked in editorial, publicity, sales, advertising, and marketing, for both adult and children’s books. She launched her own marketing firm, YOUR EXPERT NATION INC
Board Member: Sheila Lewis
Sheila Lewis is a longtime member of WNBA and has served as Board recording secretary
and blogger. She is a curriculum writer and consultant, writing coach, freelance editor, and
meditation teacher, currently writing an endless number of children’s stories.
Website Manager: Daniella Granados
Daniella Granados holds a certification in Communications and TESOL instruction, and a BA in Linguistics/Modern Languages. She currently teaches ESOL at private language schools and public colleges across the North Texas area. When not teaching, she focuses on website management and support for many award-winning authors, small press publishers, and several WNBA chapters. Her hobbies include playing tennis, baking, and collecting Wonder Woman memorabilia. Of course, reading rules that hobbies list.