New Event Alert: The Future of AI and the Author

REGISTER NOW! With the discovery and use of AI, so many of us have questions or feel a bit overwhelmed by the evolving technology.   It is hard enough to have a great platform and now is there the worry of your work being copied by someone else?  What can a writer do to protect their work?   Is traditional publishing still around?   Join us…

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Holiday Gift Wrapping Event Recap

By: Rachel Slaiman Tis the Season!! After a few year’s hiatus, the Holiday Gift Wrapping Eventreturned this year on November 13, 2024! This event marks the beginning of theHoliday Season for the WNBA-NYC Chapter. As part of our UN commitment as an NGO organization, the WNBA-NYCChapter donated and wrapped children’s…

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Brooklyn Book Festival Recap 2024

by Rachel Slaiman, WNBA President The gray skies and almost all-day rain weather did not stop the ever-popularBrooklyn Book Festival from happening this year. Brooklyn Book Festival payshomage to all independent, literary, and non-profit presses showcasing theorganizations on the festival day. Festival goers from all over the city and beyondgather…

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The Growing Issue of Banned Books

by Laurel Stokes With Banned Books being an ongoing problem in America I’ve compiled answers to some common questions around book banning to better understand the issue.  How common is Book Banning? In April the  American Library Association ( (ALA) reported in 2023 there were “4,240 unique book titles targeted for censorship,” a…

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Independent Bookstore Day Recap

by Rachel Slaiman Despite the pouring rain and wet roads, members of the WNBA-NYC chapter braved the elements to pay homage to Independent Bookstore Day on April 29, 2023.  In its second year, the crowd was small, but the energy was high as they traveled around pre-planned independent bookstores in…

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