Photo Courtesy of Rachel Slaiman, President WNBA-NYC
Across the country, April 30th is known as Independent Bookstore Day. This is the day that book lovers pay homage to all the independent bookstores to show their support for local businesses.
The WNBA-NYC chapter and the WNBA-Metro Atlanta chapter, teamed up to tour their respective cities at different independent bookstores. Here is a recap of the stores that the New York City chapter visited. Missed the action? You can find the stories posted on Instagram using the handle #wnbadualcitybookcrawl.
Strands Bookstore at 828 Broadway, New York

One of the more well-known independent bookstores out there. The Strands is a very popular spot for both tourists and locals which includes a basement and two upper levels. Many say that you can lose track of time in here if you don’t set an alarm of some kind. What is your first memory of this iconic store?
Books of Wonder at 42 West 17th Street, New York

Calling all children’s booklovers, here is your kind of store. A wide variety of all types of children’s books: board books, to chapter books, and a few toys in the mix, there is something new to discover here. What is not seen often enough are classic books that we read as kids in their original publication. These books were displayed behind a glass panel in the back of the store. What are some of your favorite children’s books you read or read to others?
192 Books at 192 10th Avenue, New York

This small, quaint bookstore offers books on a variety of subjects including translation, history, music, biography, science, current affairs, and more. Children’s and young adult books were available as well. What is your favorite spot in this area beside the bookstore?
Three Lives and Company at 154 West 10th Street, New York

Located in Greenwich Village, this store has a unique history from catering to the locals, to online ordering, and now becoming an iconic store after nearly closing in 2016. It sells a well-curated selection of books. Does anything stand out to you about this bookstore?
Bravo’s Book Nook at 115 MacDougal Street, New York

The name says it all. This unique store is a little nook right on the corner of MacDougal and Minetta Lane. The titles of hardcover and paperbacks of a variety of fiction and non-fiction. Small gifts for sale included puzzles, maps of New York, and children’s trinkets. Have you ever been to this kind of bookstore?