Author: President
Independent Bookstore Day Recap
Taking the Leap Panel Recap
Treasures: The Polonsky Exhibition at the New York Public Library

by Hope Lawrence Sure, we all know that libraries are commonly known for borrowing books, collaboration, and attending events. Arguably, there is a display or two of the rich history of a particular library which then leads to curiosity of “tell me more”. Rather than venturing to a Smithsonian museum…
Taking the Leap: About that book you plan to write…
New Perspectives in Historical Fiction: Women Lead the Way

Description Description: Meet the authors featured in the historical fiction panel on November 30th and learn some of the award-winning novels that focus on the dazzling jazz era of the 1920s. The main characters of these novels bring a strong and advancing approach to the time in order to show that a…
Transformative Women

Description Description: Meet the authors of two compelling nonfiction books and learn the true stories of impressive women who were ahead of their times in many ways. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, these women changed the idea of what women’s work is and advocated for women’s freedoms and rights,…
Alternative Roads to Publishing a Debut Novel
WNBA February and March 2022 Events!!

Events of Interest Please note that some of these events are not sponsored by the WNBA but could be of interest based on our membership. February 24, 2022 at 7:00pm (WNBA Sponsored Event) Register Here To celebrate Black History Month, WNBA-NYC members Fatima Shaik and Rosalind Reisner will discuss Fatima’s book Economy Hall:…