WNBA Award – Make Your Voice Heard

Award season may have ended in Hollywood, but at the WNBA, it’s just beginning. The nomination period for the WNBA award has officially started!

Can you name a fellow bookwoman with an outstanding contribution to the world of books and literature? Is she “a living American woman who derives part or all of her income from books and allied arts, and who has done meritorious work in the world of books beyond the duties or responsibilities of her profession or occupation”? If so, all you have to do is fill out a form (information below) to nominate her!

Past WNBA Award recipients include Nancy Pearl, Barbara Bush, Doris Kearns Goodwin and Barbara Tuchman. Especially exciting for the WBNA, Masha Hamilton, a WNBA member, author, activist, and founder of the Afghan Women’s Writing Project received this prestigious award two years ago!

Nomination is simple. Any WNBA member can make a nomination though the nominee does not have to be a WNBA member. You can even nominate as many people as you like, so long as you fill out a separate form for each.

Nomination forms can be downloaded from the WNBA national websiteunder the Members Only tab. Nominations are due by April 20th and can be emailed to nancy.stewart@ingramcontent.com. The recipient will be chosen at the national board meeting in May.

If you have any questions, you can contact WNBA Award Chair Nancy Stewart at nancy.stewart@ingramcontent.com.

Happy nominating!


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