September with the NY Chapter of the Women’s National Book Association

Valerie Tomaselli

Letter from WNBA-NYC Acting-President

~ Valerie Tomaselli

The Biography of a Bestseller, the enduring genre of Historical Fiction, an Independent Bookstore Crawl, as well as our annual celebration of National Reading Group Month, and a panel of experts discussing Publishing in a Digital World – just a few highlights of our programming for the upcoming season. Add to that Open Mic Night, Query Roulette, the Annual Spring Brunch, our all new WNBA-NYC blog (which you are reading!) and new promotional opportunities for members through the national WNBA website – and we’ve got the makings of an exciting season.

Please join or renew your membership now to take full advantage of all these benefits, and join us at the networking party on September 14 to learn more, to reach out to existing and new colleagues and to catch up on news from the summer.

I’m looking forward to it. I hope you are too!
~ Valerie
Valerie has just finished reading Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War by Karl Marlantes, and is moving on to Philip Caputo’s classic memoir of the conflict, called Rumor of War, which may complete her Vietnam War reading for a while!

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