Meet the New Co-Editor of The New York Bookwoman, Sonia Kane!

The following piece, written by New York Bookwoman Co-Editor Rhona Whitty, was published in the New York Bookwoman’s May issue to introduce the new Co-Editor, Sonia Kane.

I am thrilled to welcome Sonia Kane as Co-Editor of The New York Bookwoman! Sonia is a lifelong Brooklynite and book lover, whose favorite books of all time are the ones her mother passed down to her: Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women and Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden. Among her favorite contemporary authors are Amy Bloom, Julia Glass, Walter Mosley, and Richard Russo, and she has recently been enjoying the intricately plotted novels of the nineteenth-century author Anthony Trollope.

She credits her working-class parents with her love of words: her mother taught reading in the public school system and her father worked in the printing industry in the days of hot metal. Books, newspapers, and magazines were common currency in her family. A piece of childhood artwork, unfortunately now lost, featured her father sitting in an armchair reading The New York Times, eating an apple, and watching a baseball game all at the same time, while the family cat perches on his shoulder!

She holds a PhD in English from CUNY, specializing in eighteenth-century British literature; her dissertation discusses father-daughter relationships in the works of six women writers of the period. Since 2004, she has taught as an adjunct in the English department of Hunter College, and teaches courses there today in both expository writing and literature.

When she is not reading, writing, or grading papers, she may be found at the yoga studio or in Prospect Park playing volleyball with a group of dedicated friends!

We look forward to your involvement in the New York Bookwoman, Sonia!


  1. If you’re a member of WNBA-NYC you can check out our Meet a Member interview with Sonia in this month’s issue of The New York Bookwoman.

  2. I loved the Secret Garden, too! Good to find a compatriot Linda

  3. So now I get to officially welcome you, Sonia. It was a pleasure to meet you at KGB — and read a little more about you here and in the Bookwoman. Speaking of which, Rhona and you put together another wonderful issue — with promises of a great year to come.

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