Bookmark This:

If you’re exploring the idea of self-publishing, this website might be for you. is “an online marketplace that connects writers with the services they need to create their books and get them sold.” Writers post jobs describing what they need and their budget. Freelancers then bid on those jobs.…

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Bookmark This: How Well-Read Are You?

The World English dictionary defines well-read as having read widely and intelligently; erudite. But, what does “intelligent” reading really mean? Is it possible to objectively define a well-read person? Some would contend that only nonfiction is intelligent reading, while others would argue the merits of the classics and literary fiction versus…

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Bookmark This: SEO Tips

SEO Tips: 5 Ways To Increase A Writer’s Googleability Today’s featured link is all about how authors can better promote themselves through social media. If you don’t know the terms SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or Googleability, then this Huff Post Books article from Writer’s Relief is for you. Having an…

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Bookmark This: Fun Web Finds

Today’s featured links are fun photos and facts to lift your spirits! has compiled a great set of photos of famous authors, including Harper Lee, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the late Chinua Achebe. 25 Rare Photos of Famous Authors Even Hemingway, Kipling, and Kerouac didn’t make it on…

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