99 Years and Counting

99 years of Women’s National Book Association uniting women and men in publishing. 99 years of WNBA connecting, educating, advocating, and leading in publishing.


WNBA archives

It all started with a need – as many things do – for an organization that brought women from all facets of publishing together.

“It was our idea to bring together in one unit all the allied professions of the book trade in order that greater scope and strength might be given the activities of women engaged in these various professions.” – Madge Jenison

The organization started with 15 members. Today, there are 12 chapters across the United States and more than 800 members.

“In one of the grimmest periods of American history, the Women’s National Book Association was created. It came to be at a time when the world seemed aimed for total destruction. Yet women, ever optimistic, ever looking at the future, created their first national book association at a time when nothing could have seemed more black, or the clear probability of a future less visible.

“The next fifty years are the challenge. The Association has come of age, has survived depression, war and affluence. Ahead lies the big purpose of where and how to be effective in the American world of letters. I know the Association will meet that challenge.” – Ken McCormick, Editor-in-Chief, Doubleday & Company, Inc., October 24, 1967

WNBA will continue to survive depression, war, and gender bias because we are women and men who love books. That’s what we do. We survive and triumph with our heads held high and books in our hands.

Join us for a fantastic 99th year of panels, discussions, and networking events.


BBFCome by our booth at Brooklyn Book Fest, September 18th. We are also looking for volunteers.

On October 6th, join us at Pen + Brush Gallery from 6pm-8pm for our National Reading Group Month Panel and Networking Event. The theme this Pen and Brushyear is re-imagined classics, featuring Lyndsay Faye (Jane Steele), Catherine Lowell (The Madwoman Upstairs), Elizabeth Nunez (Even in Paradise) and Dinitia Smith (The Honeymoon)!Click here to register.


Follow us on:

Twitter: @WNBANYC

Facebook: @wnbanyc

Instagram: @wnba_nyc

About Liberty Schauf

Liberty grew up in Texas and Louisiana but calls New York City home. She loves listening to audiobooks while crocheting and riding the subway. One of her favorite pastimes is snuggling with her cat, Hazel, and binge watching TV shows. She is always planning and researching her next adventure somewhere in the world. Follow Liberty and Hazel on Instagram, //www.instagram.com/liberty_and_hazel_4_all/.

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